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Strategic Enrollment Planning


The Chancellor's Cabinet is designated as the forum for discussions and decisions on Enrollment Management, Student Success, Teaching and Learning Roundtable, and other issues.  This group meets monthly and includes the UAS Executive Cabinet and leaders in the schools of Arts & Sciences, Career & Technical Education, and Education, as well as the Egan Library, community campuses in Ketchikan & Sitka, Development & Alumni, and Facilities.

This group is responsible for development and maintenance of the UAS Strategic Enrollment Plan to guide long-term, data-informed planning and implementation of marketing, recruitment, and retention efforts. The UAS Strategic Enrollment Plan is informed by both enrollment management and academic perspectives, including representation from faculty governance.   

Dr. Maren Haavig, Provost (co-chair)
Lori Klein, Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs (co chair)
Dr. Rosemarie Alexander-Isett, Assistant Professor of Communication, Faculty Senate Representative
Ronalda Cadiente-Brown, Associate Vice Chancellor for Alaska Native Programs
Janelle Cook, Financial Aid Director 
Kristen Handley, Institutional Effectiveness Director
Dr. Paul Kraft, Director of the Sitka Campus
Jon Lasinski, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services
Carin Silkaitis, Dean of Arts & Sciences
Shayla Sulser, Academic Advisor